Monday, October 12, 2009

Week #6 Thing #15

I checked out the some of the information about Creative Commons.  I really enjoyed watching the youtube video Wanna Work Together? and reading the Copyright Comic Book written by law students at Duke University.  Copyright is such an important issue - but it is very hard to understand.  I like anytime pictures or video can enhance the written word.  I am a visual learner so the content becomes so much clearer for me.

One of the articles I read about Library 2.0 was Web 2.0 Where will it take libraries?  I agreed with the author, Rick Anderson's analysis on what libraries have been and what they will need to become.  He says that in the past, libraries were the only place to get information.  But now, information is everywhere.  Libraries need to adapt to the users' needs and meet them where they are.  I already see libraries changing so much and think about all the changes that are to come.

I had never really thought about how different library catalogs are from searching on the internet.  Through this course, I am beginning to realize why people would choose the internet over the current library system for their needs.  My eyes were especially opened about this topic after reading Chapter 8 - Folksonomies and User-Based Tagging of Courtney, N. (2007). Library 2.0 and beyond.. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.  I realize that the library catalog, a traditional taxonomy, can seem rigid and "unfriendly" to a user.  On the other hand, a folksonomy (a term I had never heard before) is changeable and certainly "friendly" because it comes from the users.  The library, wthich has always boasted that it is there for the patrons, must make the patrons believe that it is something that is actually theirs.  This will only come from using the tools that users are most comfortable with.  In essence, Library 2.0 is the direction that libraries need to go.


  1. Hey, LibraryGirl!

    Love your Wordle...I made one for my Week #7 Wikis post, but yours is way cooler.

    I definitely agree with your comment about how people prefer googling the internet when seeking information. With everyone turning to the internet for so many different needs (i.e. to shop, pay bills, bank, and to find all sorts of information, society is in the habit using their favorite search engine to do research.

    Many of our students who use our library catalog and/or databases do not know how to use them properly. I think libraries need to focus on catering to their users instead of insisting that the users change their habits and learn the library's systems. They should adopt and incorporate Web 2.0 technologies into their services so that information is easily accessed by patrons.

  2. love the wordle! Web 2.0 provides a new lens to think more profoundly about organization/cataloging.
