Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week #8 Thing #18

I kind of went about this week's assignment a little bit backwards, but that ended up being a great thing.  I was working late last week (while watching the baseball playoffs) and I was finishing up my Webquest assignment.  I had made a rubric for the Webquest, but I didn't know how to get the rubric onto my webquest page - you couldn't attach a file, you could only post a link.  I tried a couple of things:  I saved the document in html, I saved it in pdf, and I saved it in jpeg to somehow get this document onto my page.  Nothing worked.  I asked my husband, "How do you get a document to become a link?"  He said he didn't know.  I didn't give up - I knew there had to be a way.

I remembered Google Docs as a choice for the Web 2.0 project.  I thought - that has got to work!  So, I took a quick tour of the site and then uploaded my document to it.  I clicked on the button to get the link for that document.  Yeah!  It worked.  I then tried the link (after signing out of Google) and - Uh Oh - it didn't work unless you signed into Google.  So, I went back in and figured out that I had to change the settings to be able to share with everyone.  Once I did that, and made some changes to the document, I was happy with the result!

Then, after I submitted my Webquest, I was on a roll with my assignments, so I thought I would check out Week 8's assignments.  I was so excited to read that it was about Google Docs!  The main reason I was excited was because I saw a problem and I found a way to solve it - while learning technology!  I didn't feel intimidated by the technology, but saw it as a way to accomplish the things I wanted to do.

Here is my link to my rubric for my Webquest from Google Docs.  I also checked out some of the videos for Google Sites.  I think there is definitely potential for using that as a school library media specialist.


  1. I'm glad you found a solution to posting your rubric! I love when I can figure out technology to help with a problem! I usually end up asking my hubby for tech advice too! A lot of the time he can help. It's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of! :)
