What a great topic to read about. I find that sometimes I don't always know the proper way to address a person with a disability. This week's information was very informative. I was disappointed that some of the links did not work, but I did take the quiz which tested my knowledge and attitudes about people with disabilities and only got one wrong. After the answer key, there was a page that listed The Ten Commandments of Communicating with People with Disabilities. Learning how to address people with disabilities is something everyone should learn. What better way to do this than in a classroom setting.
Take a look at this commercial. I remember watching these commercials growing up and just thinking they present a great message in a short amount of time.
Here are other informative websites regarding people with disabilities.
Abilities in Motion is the website for our county's center for independent living. It includes information for all ages, from children to those entering a nursing home. They list their programs and also have a section listing volunteer oportunities in the area. They provide links to national, state and local organizations and services that promote independent learning.
Disability.gov is the federal government's website dedicated to providing information and resources to people with disabilities. They provide information about education, technology, health, employment, civil rights and many other areas. It also provides links to local services and links for educator resources.
Easter Seals has been helping those with disabilities and special needs live their best life possible. Their website has articles about disability etiquette, myths and facts about people with disabilities, understanding disabilities, helpful hints when meeting friends with disabilities, and so much more. This is a great site for educators and parents to explore and gather ideas.
Education World is an Educator's website that gives teachers ideas and links to help them in the classroom. They have a section specifically about teaching about and for students with disabilities. There are a lot of ideas, lesson plans, and additional links. A few of the links do not work any longer, but there is still a lot of content.
The Family Center on Technology and Disability is a great website that provides information about assistive and instructional technologies. It provides reviews of resources, a list of disability organizations, the basics of Assistive Technology, a glossary, a monthly newsletter, and a 54 page family guide. If you are new to the concept of AT, this website is for you!
I definitely believe that knowledge is power! When people know the proper way to do something or address someone, it can give them confidence and hopefully help them be a better friend. I like the idea of teaching students proper netiquette and about bullying. I specifically thought the Boston Public Library's Netiquette for Kids would be helpful for students. I also liked the Stop Bullying Now! website. I think students would enjoy playing around on the site while learning what bullying is all about.
glad you found the topics interesting; thanks for the good URLs