Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week #1: Thing #1 and Thing #2

I am studying for my Master's degree in Library Science through Clarion University.  My current class is called New Technology for Educators.  Part of our assignment is to go through the Classroom Learning 2.0 - 23 Things project.  This blog will record my experience with the 23 Things.

I love to learn! I love getting a syllabus, organizing all my materials, setting up a schedule for my assignments, etc. It never fails, I get excited about each new course I am taking. Given all those facts, I would say I am a lifelong learner. Of course, I got very excited about the 23 Things. I love how it is all laid out and it is done in bite-size pieces so the learner does not get too overwhelmed. I am also excited because even though I know how to do some of the projects listed, there are some that I have never tried before. So, I know that I am going to enhance my technology abilities and I am thrilled to know that I will not be in the dark about some of these things much longer.

I had never read the 7 & 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners before.

Habit 1:      Begin with the end in mind
Habit 2:      Accept responsibility for your own learning
Habit 3:      View problems as challenges
Habit 4:      Have confidence in yourself as a competent,
                 effective learner
Habit 5:      Create your own learning toolbox
Habit 6:      Use technology to your advantage
Habit 7:      Teach/mentor others
Habit 7 1/2: Play

While I think I incorporate all these habits in my life to varying degrees, I think the easiest one for me is to view problems as challenges. I know that when I do not know how to do something, I do not want someone to just do it for me. I want someone to teach me how to do it so that I will know how to do it the next time. Can you believe that my hardest one is number 7 1/2? I feel like I have so much on my plate, and I am very goal oriented, that I just keep going and going and don’t take time to play. This whole last year I hardly had time to do one of my favorite activities – reading. Then, for the young adult literature class, I had to read – and I had so much fun reading great stories. Even though the readings were for a class, I found the joy in doing something I love to do! I have to remember to keep playing!

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